so apparently normal people don't have much thoughts when they watch drama. oh well, I some how feel its a waste not to entirely feel and indulge into a drama when I've already spent so much time following all the episodes not to mention lots of concentration on it. and also, the producer and actors and filming team had spent lots of energy and time and money and effort in it, isn't it? so some how it only feels right if I really pay attention to the drama which I've chosen to watch.
drama series is a very beautiful thing. you have a beautiful, normal start, then a twist in the story, some ups and downs, and the best part is that you'll always have an ending, to whatever that had happen.
for us, the twenties, its not the end, yet. sometimes, it just a little frustrating that I don't know what kinda ending lays ahead of me. we work and work and work. yet, we still do not know what, when and how the ending would eventually be. most of the things we do now are for the long run. so, there's sorta no end. and when there's no end or when its too far ahead that i can't see, i may tend to lost momentum on the journey. maybe I shouldn't even believe in endings. maybe it's a fake concept that happens in drama. what we have in real life is journey. that's why the end does not matter.
watched rooftop prince. it's cute and beautiful. watched the Disney movie, brave. 很多东西可遇不可求。但人也其实能够超越自己。想找一个可以坚信的信念。想每一次都有一个明确的理由。值得付出一切的理由。找理由也可以是一个理由。能为自己找一个又一个的理由,是一件很幸福的事。that's why people say things happen for a reason. so that we can accept the bad ones and make more good ones by finding a reason to do so. and with reasons, we can have momentum to go on, from one mission to the other.
少了坚信的东西。反而多了许多所谓"看开了"、不再相信的概念。we lack control in life, our own life. so we accept and adapt. but to what extend? 一切都看你选择什么、就得放弃什么。怎样才能做到最好的最好。然后,欣然接受一切的一切,才能快乐。
nothing's better than a life full of positive reasons.
til then.
well said. I love it. hahaha me is a stalker. but not d creepy one,i did leave comments.