Saturday, September 5, 2015

First Job

Yes, new stage of life! Starting Monday. I'm officially a Field Application Engineer!!! Not that that's what I imagine to be when I started job hunting. In fact, I have no idea what I want to be, right now. But after attending several interviews, product development and research work doesn't appeal to me anymore. The fact of being locked up in a lab in a huge factory feels exactly like going back to school. And, at this point, I just feel that I want to get out of the lab. Technical stuff is not enough for me anymore. I need to be more. I want to grow to be more. 

Is it fate? When I applied for this first job, I'm not appealed to it at all. In fact, I was looking for something technical like design or process engineer. This job just gets in the way and I apply it anyways. Then, this is the first call I got, right after the day I sent the application! The first interview I attend. And the more I research about it, the more appealing it becomes! Then, it's also the first offer I got! Seriously, the whole process takes like 2 weeks, and tadahhhh, I'm hired and about to start work straight away.

Anyways, the field application engineer's job scope to is liase between the customer side and the manufacturing side. It's technical, yet also requires lots of communication. So, it's kinda versatile. After being cooped up in uni for so long, I seek for a balance between technical and non-technical. I NEED BALANCE.

Also, I have not even start working. So of course in my mind my first job is going to be rainbows and unicorns. I don't how much would reality deviate. Maybe I would be back here to rant and complain in less than a week. Oh wells. I have to start some where. 

til then. ciao!