Wednesday, September 26, 2012

some things

some things, I do not enjoy as much as some others. some times, I wanna be quiet just as it is. some people, I would not get them at all. some ways, I don't see how it would make it through. 

it's mid sem break. and the first response of most people is hoooorayyyyy!!!! and five minutes later, it's restlessness, sienness, laziness and emoness. lol, all the same, I noticed, including myself. yet, its just the 'culture shock' I think? I'm pretty sure everyone would enjoy themselves and settle down just as well in the next few days. 

anyways, I'm seeing the huge difference in the people I'm mixing with. le Pmo, le zoo, le chs, le uni people. lol. sometimes, I'm not even sure how did I fit in. or, did I?? 

also. I'm sensing submittal in myself. or maybe I'm already like that since long ago? anyhow it's more clear now and I sometimes find myself accepting a little too quickly. is it even good or? or maybe it has became a habit already =\ and seriously, I would never know what to do with myself. 

engineering. 是祸是福,嫣然不知。 

so. an yeong people!! hwaitinggg. enjoy. have joy. and hope with all your heart. even your wishes would not or might not come true, it's still healthy for your heart to hope =D 

til then. 


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