Thursday, June 14, 2012

a tale to tell

okay. I know, it's exam period, I shouldn't be thinking about my so-call-philosophical stuff, but. what's in my mind have to be thrown out, so here I am again =D 

so, we're twenty, and a half, already. we have lived for two decades, and have more or less moldered our personalities into more recognizable shapes. not really as lost and in an unfixed form as before. at the age of twenty, all of us have a respectably-sort-of-long history already. and each of us have a tale to tell. 

each and everyone of us. has a story. already. and, truly speaking, none of them are dull. there's no such thing as a dull life story. come on, its twenty years. something bound to happen already. and something that, indeed, intended or not, has changed your life. or determined where and who you are today. 

stories should be appreciated. and that includes your own. in fact, its especially your own. it is history, and the markings of your very existence. yes, the past is gone. but stories can be told and retold. and that is a very beautiful thing. simply because it shows who you are. things DO happen for a reason. and there's where all the stories come from.

and it's up to us, and also fate, to find out others' stories. not those on daily workings, scandals, pleasantries, jokes and such. but STORIES, of the past. 故事。故时候发生的事。and stories as in stories in the plural form. many many little stories. all the details and bits of here and there. all of them combined and tadahhhh you can see the timeline of a person =D 

and it is when you know the stories of a person, that you really start to know someone. because, you can then see the logic and reason of the becoming of the someone, hence, understand the doings and character of the someone. 理解了才能接受,接下来就能真正认识了。 

I'm not a good listener. nor a good story teller. but, from now on, I'll like to hear all the stories I can get hold of. =p 

who is interested of my story eh? =p 


and the best thing is, we are young. and we have grown. from now on, we're the makers of our future stories. and we write them however we want them. =D  


周围的人,已不是一起长大的同窗。所以认识后又多一番感触吧。 =p 

til then. 


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