Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Lately, a little more colours are coming back into my life. good thing, really. and about time. I've been in this sorta-depression for a few months until very recently.

So, what changes, recently? a few outings. yep, one outing won't do the job. Few of them will. Met up with some precious people in life. Had some deep conversations and fun times. Its nice to notice that they truly care about me. I can see, hear and feel the warmth in my heart. And hey, my instagram came back to life. that makes me happy too i guess ^^

On a side note, its getting tougher to organize a proper dinner event with the group. Makes me wonder if we are diverging even more. Also, i should tune down my temper. Little things are getting on my nerves and i am just so mad with so many people. But no, i'm not the raging kinda person, more of the sulking type, maybe. Anyhow, its bad for me and my skin and my health. Should have better anger management.

Anyhow, i'm treating each gathering like a final last one. People just fly all over the world or just diverge to opposite poles its so hard to get the same group of people back together. So, ya, treat the gatherings like its the last one we'll ever have and treasure the moments, especially with the group of friends i really enjoy spending time with.

Time. which brings me to another point. Procrastination is getting out of hand. Seems like I am still behind time this semester even though i have no tuition classes to teach during the weekdays. At least i'm not tired all the time, but i think i chill too much. which makes me guilty since i actually have tonnes of work to do, if you read the previous post.

so okay, i shall stop procrastinating!

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