P/s: this is actually written some time during December 2013.
Few things about my internship:
1. I need not join internship this semester, since I haven't completed my 3rd year. this internship is completely vonluntery and I only joined since I've known my mentor from the elp.
2. ServerPark is an IT company. monash ecse course has nothing to do with IT. I thought I should train up my programming by joining an internship in my weakest field.
3. I am fully aware of how difficult it is. I thought I should train myself and add value to my future career.
BUT. the workload I have is OVERWHELMING. OVER. WHELMING. Two weeks has passed. and it felt like a second. omg I'm so busy everyday I barely feel time passed. Work pile after work pile after work there's no end to it at all. No end until another 10 weeks anyways. Ya, I definitely feel like I have put myself in a lot of trouble, when I could have just enjoy a three month long summer holidays!! And the pay is hardly enough to cover petrol and lunch. And my mentor just congratulate me for handling four person's workload at one time -.-
Yep, the research and work I did are definitely interesting and challenging. but it would be so much easier if I am a little better at computing @@ Gosh, sometimes I feel like a dumb! And of course a little extra guideline will be helpful. and maybe looser datelines? what use is it when your mentor tells you that you can go home and drop by at office WHENEVER YOU LIKE, when he gives you one week's worth workload in one day!!! I go to work everyday from 8 to 5. that's how useful it is.
One consolation prize. the office is freaking beautiful!! it's one of YTL's project. and I have certainly never seen a GREENER building than this one in Malaysia. Seriously, this kinda building is exactly the reason I love architecture.
Anyways, here are some pictures taken at the office building. I almost love everything about it, except its location. it's at Sentul, which is somewhere near KTM terminal and KLpac already wtf.
I love the irregular window panels. And the wooden floorings. And the greeneries on the ground and on the wall.
And the pond with sparkling, rippling clear water with pretty smooths stones in it.
And the cosy sitting spot right in the middle of the greeneries and the pond. I could see foreign office ladies having picnic there every day!! I wanna try that too!
And it's quite close to publika. anyone nearby can swing by to pick me up and grab a lunch together?^^
Ya, so amid the stressful workload, a trip to the toilet is the only refreshing moment, where I could enjoy a little bit of pretty scenaries, or stalk whoever is coming up the transparent elevator. heh. otherwise, I'm probably stuck in the office for the rest of the holidays.
but, hey! I'm 21 going to be 22. time to take on some serious responsibility, no? and, this anti social thing is getting more serious in every passing second. thanks to having to face the computer all the time. gahhh I'm a hopeless nerd.