Wednesday, November 23, 2011

old pals

There was a time when we shared a blog, shared a diary. That time, daily meetings were not enough. There were classes that separated us, assemblies where we were not allowed to talk, and short recess time that was not enough for us to mingle and to share secrets and stories of our daily lives. Thus, we passed around diaries, we started a blog. Just to shared our stories, our feeling, our secrets.Both did not last very long, but there was it, a time when we felt we need to share more of our lives with each other. Yep, and that “we” was the girls in our beloved zoo gang. =D

Oh. The guys were cool too. Though we did not share a blog or something, our friendship lasted. 

Its actually a really amazing gang of friends. We were just classmates here and then, we didn’t really had much in common, didn’t actually shared any experience together outside the classroom, joined different activities and tuition, yet, somehow our friendship was strong. Til now, we met up at least once each year without fail. Its very cool. =D

As we grow up, we went our separate ways. My friends have scattered all around the world. We don’t even contact each other that often. Our blog is long dead. Our characters have grown even more different. Yet, each time we meet up, the warmth is still there. We had watched each other grew up and changed over the years, the familiarity, the history we shared, its not something everyone had the opportunity to have. From mouths of another friend, from internet social media, from occasional chatting, a seemly insignificant news of each friend is a bless, a warmth, a love. 

University life is so busy. We don’t see each other often, sometimes not at all. There’s also different time zone, different university, continent even. More of the times, we got drifted along with the busy schedules and the new lives we’re having, thoughts of old friends got pushed aside to the back of the mind, forgotten. Aiks. Its only at times like this, having all the time of the world to spare, that these thoughts emerge again, and I miss them ever so badly.

Hrm. This year is an eventful one, with two very important exams. Regrettably, with much distractions (mainly iPad) and studies, I’ve neglected contacting old friends even so badly. Distracted, forgetful and busy, I’ve forgotten to wish many of my friends happy birthday. I’m really Really REALLY SORRY!! Shit. I don’t remember many of the dates and I don’t go face book that often to check with the dates. Those that I wished were birthdays either fall on the day when I so incidentally surf on the facebook, or when I came across the date of the day that it some how rang a bell so I went to check. Little I remembered. Really bad with dates. GAAHHH.

I owed so many friends birthday presents (SHIT!!). and worse still, I still have no idea what I’m gonna make this year. Every year without fail, i'll make some hand craft stuff for my friends. pom poms, little dolls, wooden book mark, drawings, name stickers, cards..i don't really buy presents, i feel making the things itself hold more meaning. but this year, i have not started any, and i'm stuck!!! no inspiration!no ideas!!shit. and the year is gonna be over soon already.

arrr. i wanna make something. hmm. 3 months. i'll come out with something.

and yea!!i got more books to read. cheers =D

til then.


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