Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The more I grow as a person, the more I realized that I'm one of the rare species that live outside the reality. I'm rather ignorant, I'm a nerd who buries herself in studies and could easily disengage from the outside world. I have more knowledge in Hogwarts fantasies and anime than the real world which I'm living in. I mean I have read about the real world, but I have not seen the real world. The real world just sounds like another story.

My bubble world is something many cannot comprehend. Equations and codes and mathematical models. Staying home on Saturday nights. Alcohol and smoke free. Vulgar free. T shirts and sweat pants. Rarely 'doll up'. Lame black and straight loosely tied up ponytail.

Even though I've far evolved from my high school self, i get culture shock again and again countless times until I wonder which alien planet did I come from. How is it that after 22 years, I still have not met and have people like that around me. Its like the world around me is filtered. I'm still in the core center of the white world. I've heard of some grey ones from stories of friends of friends. And I can't even start to comprehend how the black world looks like.

There are people living life to the fullest, doing all sorts of YOLO stuff. Then there are people (guys) who think that lots and lots of money is the most important of all. Then there are the passionate ones who wants to change the world and leave a mark. Then, there's me, wanting to live a simple and peaceful life, and work on something that I'm good at, and just trying to get through this chaotic world peacefully.

Ya, so the conclusion is. I AM from an alien planet. Who has not embrace the culture of the world. I think I could never embrace it. It will be like asking a fish to fly. I feel like I'm a different species all together.

But, I'm graduating. Guess that even though I'm a fish, I would some how need to grow some wings to survive this chaotic journey called life. Imma growing into a flying fish!

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