This semester, things have gone through a BIG change, a whole new transformation, and maybe now in the process of reformation. Fate had it all arranged for us. the timing, the events, the people. And we can never be prepared for it, it swallowed us like a tsunami wave. And, there we are, some real shits in life.
I'm sad that things are not the same anymore. I'm sad that things have to happen the way they happened. but ya, I have went through it and came out from the other end a little stronger. Also, it's during the shits of life that I see the real beauty in people. Few of them, whom I'm so so thankful for. Also, some of the reality had hit me real hard in the face, telling me that it's life and I have to stick with it no matter how I don't like the things I don't like.
Sigh I was wishing the trip would be a refreshing and relaxing one. who knows, more drama. Human emotions, are one of the things that are totally out of my control. I'm an engineer, that's why, I guess. gahhhh.
My new motto in life: optimism. since things are subject to changes so easily, there's bound to be a way out if these (There are two things i'm referring to here). We're really too young to just conclude anything.
Any how, another interesting and eventful semester of my university life has ended. Cheers, people, to one step closer to who we are gonna be, and what we have achieved in the 12 weeks. We are awesome v^^
til then