Tuesday, February 19, 2013



二十一年来,我的爱情经验可说是零。这也不那么奇怪,认识我的人煞看我一下都知道我是单身女子。所以。。。这代表我哪里出了什么问题吗?不知道 。






Wednesday, February 13, 2013



不知道是不是因为终于成年了,今年,终于能够体会到一家人回家过年的可贵。看着满头白发的伯伯、阿姨,可以想像他们所经过的岁月沧桑;仔细听听他们的故事,仿佛见到他们当初像我们一样,为未来奋斗、向往、有梦想。才发现,那所谓的"大人话", 我们已经会听了。

所谓的成家立业, 更是很奥妙的。这个人,因为这个家庭环境长大,性格才能适合那么的那个人。这个人,遇到了那个人,成了家,大家有缘才能做亲戚。看到了伯伯和堂哥姐们的相同之处,就好像我们三姐妹,谈吐举止,pattern也离不开爸爸的方式。可能也就是这种pattern,才让我们认识今天的周围朋友,成为建立我们的性格的基本。到头来,全部归属为一个字----缘。



缘啊缘,多么的奥妙,捉拿不住。什么时候能遇见有情人?呵呵。拭目以待吧 =p

Friday, February 8, 2013


FINALLY. after four years since graduation, we, the zoo, have our first ever trip with Crystal Song! HAHA! ya, indeed, she's the main character in this trip! =D
anyways, after this trip, or may I say, during the trip, I have quite a lot flash backs. took me all the back to form one, the first day of high school etc. and so it kinda awes me how very SAME everyone is. even after so many years. yes, there are a lot of changes and differences in almost everything since then. but, though how space and time changed us, the core in us did not at all change, right? this was verified during the trip.
果然, 本性难移。
how so? let's see: my dear crystal song is still so noisy and do not stop babbling about everything! and her fingers is still cold as ever. ah ning is still ah ning being fearless and quick witted and outspoken in everything. and even though we didn't talk to each other much for the past year, both of them still gets me so easily and quickly! i only need minimal explanation to get a message through. ahahaha I'm so happy when people understands my talking pattern. it's like they're accustomed to my way of speech and expression V^^
mr. yap jian shen is still acting so philosophical about everything! not to mention the habit of sleeping as the first thing he does whenever or wherever he settles down. and hock eu never changes and still acts like hock eu to the very last bit by introducing us the game of 24 and dixit. IQ games to train our brains to the maximum during the mid night, no less.
dear Yi Shiuan is so cordial!! offering us a stay and helping to research the places for yummy sate celup. ahahaha and we did have fun cleaning up the cicak-droppings in your dad/mum's house (I forgot) at aloh gajah, though most of us just help out by standing on chairs in order to get out of yi shiuan's and zan hong's way of doing the actual cleaning. and, the house is actually just the perfect place for pillow talks and lame games. the quiet area was also suited for crystal to act like emma watson in the perk's of a wallflower by climbing through the roof of zan hong's harrier while he's driving. zan hong was kind enough to drive a few more rounds around the housing area just so crystal can enjoy more star gazing through the roof. ahaha.
not to forget the drivers!! zan hong. nice knowing you! before this i just register you as a scout-frisbee-aussie-crystal's-friend-guy. now, a little more, i guess. haha. and cheng foong. nice meeting you! nice job trying to cover up the little dirt on the floor with your even more dirty foot. you did a GREAT job cleaning up the house. AHAHAHA.
and there's me. i wonder if i stayed the same too. no doubt i wasn't the exact same person i was years ago. i don't even exactly know how i've changed. but, any how, not too bad i guess. since i didn't end up in prison or drugs or something bad. lol. nothing major has changed, really.
if there was anything unfavorable throughout the trip, it would be the rain. it was raining non stop for most of the day in malacca. i noticed we were carrying umbrellas in most of the photos. on the day back, it rained too. also, there's my face. pimples and scars all over. sigh. also, the time spent together was still too little. nevertheless, we had LOADS of fun, and bonding, and relaxation, and just being grateful for each of the people to be at the trip. it's a blast. and I do look forward for more to come =D
by the way, it's malacca that we went. sorry for not mentioning. but It's quite obvious in the photos anyways. =p sorry for being not eager at all to post about the places or the foods. it's my third time going to malacca in less than a year after all @@ but, in short, here's the food list: RTcakebread-babanyonyalaksa-cendol-coffee-nadeje-chickenriceball-satecelup-wantanmee-panmee. not too much. hee.

quick peek?

should have brought dslr. enough said =/

til then.