I’m not a good writer, but I’m in love with writing. Writing is my outlet to connect with myself, to clarify, at a 3rd person’s point of view. And writing brings so much joy and pride to myself. It’s black and white proof, that I’m still sane, I’m still in control, and I’m still free, to express, to imagine and to live.
“Don’t forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, we regard ourselves as a friend.” - Eat Pray Love. I really love this sentence, and I especially find truth in this in writing. Also one of the reasons why I’m still active in twitter. I need this outlet.
But just as I’m managing my mind, I’m now managing my words. The stories I tell myself, the words I used to define my life. Powerful, calming, free words that bring about the true thoughts of my mind. I just love the feeling that I can understand myself and write things out into a clear picture.
I really did consider making this writing thing more serious. Like writing topics that really interest me, instead of just mindless rantings. Purposeful words. Intriguing topics. It’ll be a great project, right?
While my career is all logical and analytical, I want to keep my artistic side alive through writing, and also through art craft making and home design projects.
I am such a person who finds joy in little specific things. =)